Night of Artists – POSTPONED to November 6–8, 2020
Enjoy Centre's COVID-19 Response
2020 marks the 23rd year of Night of Artists! Once again the show returns to St. Albert's Enjoy Centre for 4 days of art, music, food, drinks, awards and an overall celebration of the arts!
Friday November 6
Night of Artists Gala
Live Music by The Carolines, Waymatea Ellis and the Highlife Collective Chance Quartet
Artists for Amy's House – Live Art Performance
Over 1,500 Original art pieces for viewing and purchase.
Cash Bar/ Complimentary Appetizer
Tickets $25 in advance $30 at the door
Sat & Sun, November 7 & 8
The NOA Artwalk
(Register attendance online to win door prizes)
Saturday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm